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Craft Attack Survival Shooter C16.6
Awesome Games Now
A high profile scientific mission has pavedthe way for building of the first time machine of the world. Youhave been chosen as the privileged one to test the efficacy of thetime machine. You have been a part of the time travel experimentfrom its conceptualization stage and now the onus of proving thesuccess of the mission is on your shoulders. Once the time machinetakes off, everything seems to be working. But then your machinelands in the midst of a raging war somewhere in the medieval era.Crude weapons, brutality of the extreme kind, and bestial costumes;all the ingredients of a lethal war are present. You have tosurvive through the war as the time machine has run out of naturalfuel and you need to collect it. You have at your disposalultra-modern gun and this is your only support to protect yourself,mow down the enemies, and endure the war. With every level, thefighters hem in on you and you have to exhibit extreme skill withthe gun to keep yourself from sinking. You can’t afford to spend amoment of respite as the tense battle is growing in intensity witheach passing minute. The game will test the resilience of yournerves and the adroitness of your fingers. There is limitless funto be enjoyed. The atmospherics of the game will keep you glued tothe screen. The game is fun playing for people of all age groups.Its appeal is irresistible.Main Features:• Extravagant atmospherics with scintillating sound and top notchgraphics• Automated guns with swift, intuitive controls• Superb performance across all Android versions• Medieval era reconstructed• Multiple levels with unknown and creepy challenges
Dead Walkers Survival Games C16.6
Awesome Games Now
Fend off the multitude of decaying dead inDead Walkers Survival Games. Zombies rule this bleak landscape,making the living the minority, but these few are not about to diewithout a fight. Collect your weapons and make the most out of yourperks as you go head-to-head against these depraved walkers who areout for brains... and revenge against those privileged enough to becounted among the living.**** POWERFUL ENEMIES ****The wail of the sirens pierce the distant horizon, somehow growingin intensity as it falls over the city. The skies were clear. Thestreets quiet, all apparently normal and routine. Unsure of what todo, people began flooding out of their homes and businesses,seeking out the cause of this emergency. A scream sliced throughthe murmured questions of the gathered, and as one, they turned,all unbelieving of what their eyes were beholding...The apocalypse began three years ago. Nobody has noticed until now.Learning how to disappear is easier than actually doing it.However, you have success with the right amount of planning andpreparation. The infection began in areas the world had turned ablind eye to. The countries that were a dumping ground fordangerous toxins and chemicals; the forgotten, deterioratingwastelands of the starving poor-- these were the launching points,where the infection took hold. Disguising itself well, it wove itsterror throughout the world, even into polite society where peoplewere so comfortable in their own safety that anything different wasignored or excused. But now it was here, unveiled and the biggestthreat known to man.... zombies.**** EPIC LEVELS ****Fend off mob attacks and watch out for snipers as you traversedangerous landscapes in a desperate act of survival. Three uniquelandscapes with six expansive and dangerous levels are poised tochallenge you in a variety of ways. Timed trials present a way toearn permanent perks such as cool weaponry, double damage and bodyarmor. Daily rewards are yours to keep until you die. Gohead-to-head on the streets, in the posh mansions of the governmentelite and more! With difficulty/sensitivity controls, you play theway YOU want, with customized settings. The game launches to yourmission select screen with levels to unlock, rewards and ways toearn BIG. Kill the zombies! Be epic!Game Features:Selection of hidden melee and firearm weaponsAerial landscape viewsHealth meter & HP perksPrecision aiming, running, jumpingUser friendly touch-screen controlsSlow and speed actionHand-to-hand confrontations
Saving Xmas - Santa Vs Grinch C17.2.2
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Saving Xmas: Santa Vs Grinch is a fun themedwar stimulator geared toward hunting down the legend of the Grinchand his immortal soldiers who are hell-bent on eliminating theholidays... forever! If you don't eliminate this threat in time,there will be no more sugar plums dancing in anyone's heads.---Deadly Christmas To All, And To All A Nightmare*ishNight---The Grinch has always hated Christmas, but in this particular eve,he's got another reason to be HAPPY about the holiday: he's deviseda way to manipulate the minds of every man, woman and child on thenight of before Christmas, stimulating nightmares so real,Christmas will all but be forgotten as the sleeping try and survivethe world they've been enslaved to. Santa himself has not even beenimmune to this plague, and upon "waking up" Christmas morning,finds his workshop filled with diabolical Grinch soldiers intent ondestroying every toy and elf. With a nose for mischief and magic,Santa quickly discovers the Grinch's scheme, but in order to stopthe Grinch for good, Santa must fight his to consciousness.---He Sprang to His Artillery and to His Rifle Gave a Nod, and AwayHe Dashed, Like a Man on a Mission---Play as the holly, jolly hero of the holiday in this festiveshooting game. First person 3D worlds are crowded with Grinchenemies you must terminate to save Christmas! With six vastsurvival maps to explore, you'll need some help. That's where yourdaily rewards come into play. Collect cool perks like endless printor special bullets to use until you die. The first map is riggedwith a timer that counts down the mere minutes you have toeliminate all foes in order to earn a more permanent perk such asdouble damage or body armor. Collect HP and ammunition as you go,or watch brief video clips along the way to get the boost you needduring big battles. Play how you want with settings controls thatallow you to control sensitivity and difficulty, while touch screencontrols allow you to easily manipulate your character through thelevels. Practice your target skills and take back theholidays!Features:*Map overview*Speed, ammo and health pickups*Unique missions*Opponents with high damage and health*Hand-to-hand battles*Timed challenges*Mission select screen
Block Ninja Mine Games C18
Awesome Games Now
The grisly 19th century west is the venue ofmind-boggling action. Reprobates have a new friend in killer Ninjaminer. He is being hired to execute a number of heinous crimes. Hisgrim appearance would make a chill run down your spine. Equippedwith the traditional Shaolin sword, the Ninja is on the mission ofhunting down the treasure whose whereabouts have been disclosed byhis mentors.The outcome of his mission depends on the agility with which theNinja conducts himself and the combative techniques adopted tocounter his predatory traits. The game engages you to the core withextravagant graphics, strategic ambient sounds, and a volley ofweapons and other attractive prizes at every step. There is nolooking back once you have waged the war. The eerie presence of theNinja and his sinister plotting will keep you on the edge of yourseats.His nimbleness is a matter of worry for you. He scampers away themoment you plan to lay your hands on him. You have to match yourskills and wittily outpace the fierce Ninja. The immersive gametests you wits and challenges you to push the envelope to tame thekiller Ninja. Your combative prowess will be tested. The nimblenessof your finger will decide you fate against the eventful battle tothwart the unscrupulous motives of the killer ninja.A great treasure awaits you. There is too much at stake. You can’tafford to relax. Gear up for the momentous battle. History is goingto be created. Storm the stage and set it on fire.Key features of the game:• Awe-inspiring array of modern and quaint weapons, spikes, trapsetc.• 360 degrees control and viewing provision• Superb graphics, mind-blowing situational music• Intuitive controls• Outstanding performance for all Android versions• Easy to install and maneuver
Block Hunter Survival Games C17.3
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The world has been pushed again to the brinkof a cataclysmic disaster. After the nuclear apocalypse, the reinsof the world have gone in the hands of a brutal dictator who wishesto wipe out everything humane and establish the rule of bestiality.You were once part of this evil army but now can no longer standthe extent of cruelty inflicted by the dictator’s army on gulliblenatives. You have revolted and your contumacious self is drivingyou to take up arms against the tyrannical army.Block Hunter Survival game tests the resilience of your nerves bypushing you to the limit of gory war. The skill with which youwould wield your weapons and deftly plan your moves by anticipatingthe strategy of the enemies will bail you out of this predicament.Wrong, ill-planned and casually made moves would prove fatal andruin your chances of surviving the radioactive garbage that thewhole country has been transformed into.The game will offer you unparalleled thrill and excitement. Yourpulse would start racing as the game starts progressing. Your heartwould pound in sheer anticipation of the things you are likely toencounter next. Your combative skills and strategic thinking has tooutstrip that of the enemy. The game makes you come face to facewith the forces of the evil dictator. The ensuing game play willmake chill run down your spine. The block hunter survival game hasbeen developed by ace designers who have meticulously attended toeach aspect of the game. Buckle up now.GAME FEATURES:****Authentic post nuclear war scene recreated****Fabulous graphics and cool atmospherics****Quaint settings****Sensational audio****Lethal and diverse array of weapons
Block Wars Pocket City C10.2.2
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Get ready to play the most ultimate game ofrevenge. Fight for honor and avenge the injustice done to you.Trust no one except yourself and your FPS shooting skills.You have lost everything. You family, your honor and your money.They made you crawl and think they can get away with it. How wrongthey are. You are coming back and you have revenge on yourmind.You had it all. The owner of a multi-billion dollar corporation,a loving wife and adorable children. Then, they came and took awayeverything. Bankrupted your multi-billion dollar corporation andclosed it and accused you of a crime you did not commit. Your wifekilled herself over an accusation you didn’t deserve. Your childrentaken away. You lost ever everything. But now you sent out on thepath of revenge and make those who made you suffer pay. Big time.It’s the revolution. And you are the judge. Deliver justice.•Countdowns- Every level has a countdown timer that shows youthe amount of time you have left to complete your mission.•Radar- Know your enemy’s position and plan accordingly with thehelp of this mapping feature.•Tips To Win- At the beginning of every game, as the screen loadsget a crash course on al tips and tricks that will help you surviveand win the game.•Unique Levels-Experience gamming like never before with never seenbefore scenarios for every combat.•Power-up tricks- When you are out of ammo and health, watch asimple video to unlock rewards and power ups.•Ease Of Play- Smooth co-ordination and control access that willgive you amazing gamming controls.•One-on-one Hand Combat- When you have no weapons, engage in one onone hand combat to defend your honor.
Mutant Block Survival Games C10.2.2
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Be the humanities last hope! Get your acttogether and fight the demon plague that has poisoned our blueplanet. Use the state of the art weapons arsenal to fight your waythrough victory. Fight against your greatest enemies as well asagainst time to complete your mission.Be the humanities last hope! Get your act together and fight thedemon plague that has poisoned our blue planet. Use the state ofthe art weapons arsenal to fight your way through victory. Fightagainst your greatest enemies as well as against time to completeyour mission.Find the hidden treasures of super weapon, power ups and lifebonuses at every turn. Prepare yourself for an epic battle thatwill decide the future of mankind.Enter the cemetery and find the scene riddled with blood andmystery. Enter the crime scene to investigate the gruesome murders,only to find out that this was only the first of many more tocomeFollowing the quest to solve the case, take a dangerous journey tofind out details of gruesome tests performed on human subjects. Asif the crime wasn’t enough, you have to deal with the fallouts ofthe illegal testing on humans. Should no one stop these enhancedhumans, the city will be overrun by these scary creatures.Hidden in the different corners of the scenes are power ups andpowerful hidden weapons. Use these weapons to inflict heavy damageto your enemies. Enjoy the breath taking 3D graphics that makes theexperience ever more stunning.Clear the levels with high score to unlock bonuses. If you areunable to do so, watch a video to unlock perks and bonuses to helpyou complete the levelsFeatures :Hidden power upsEver challenging levelsTime based missionLatest weaponsFriendly user interfaceImprovised menu style
Block Zombies - Strike Trigger C10.2.2
Awesome Games Now
This game will be the ultimate test of yourfirst person shooting skills. Race against the timer to become thebest and prove your worth. Display your strength as the true ReaperOf Nightmares.In Block Zombies - Strike Trigger, fate has designated you asthe Reaper Of Nightmare. You deliver justice by taking the souls ofthe damned. You must stop at nothing and destroy all those opposeyour quest. Race against time and emerge the champion. Aim. Shoot.Destroy. Conquer. The Day Of Demise is upon us.The world has changed. People don’t die the way they do anymore. Instead once a year, there comes a day called the Day OfDemise, where the souls of all those who should have died will die.And it is your duty as the Reaper of Nightmares to collect theirsouls and ensure the final payment.Your quest will be hindered by those who resist you, they arecalled the sufferers. Their death, is the score you need to settle.You are fate personified and it is your duty to make sure fatetriumphs in the end as it should always.Features:•Loading Screen Tips- Get interesting and game-changing tips andtricks at the start of every game as the screen loads for the nextgame.•Timed Clocks- Every level has a timer within which you mustcomplete your quest. Beat the timer to emerge as thechampion.•Mission Assignment-At the start of every game, you are specifiedthe details of your mission. The instructions you are to follow andthe number of souls you are to collect.•Radar- Get a cutting edge advantage by using this game featurethat helps you locate your position and your enemy’s in thevicinity.•Ease of control- The game is easy to maneuver and can be handledeasily.
Block Ninja Survival Games C10.2.2
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The eternal fight between two evils has a newplayer- Evil. This FPS game is the ultimate stop for all yougamers. Amazing weapon controls, precise shooting and a wide arrayof weapons for you to choose from.Block Ninja Survival Games is a must have mobile gamingexperience, nothing like you have never seen before. Step intoanother dimension where the two evil entities battle over the soulsof humans. Could you be the one to end it all?A regular day with friends becomes something you never imaginedit to be. A dare to drink an unrecognizable substance at anabandoned warehouse sends you spiraling into a new dimension.A dimension where no man like you has walked before. In thisdimension, two demon brothers have fought for centuries over thelast breath of humans. But what will happen now that the elderdemon brother has enslaved your soul to do his bidding.Now, you must race against time and collect the souls of thedamned, all the while fighting against time. Choose your weapons,aim at your target and fight against every odd to become thefearsome fighter of the realm!Features:•Game Clocks- Race against the clock and fight those who will stopat nothing to destroy you. Beat the time to emerge as the supremewarrior.•FPS Shooting- Your shooting kills are the ultimate skills youwill need to survive in this game. Shoot like you have never shotbefore.•Tips at the beginning of each game- As your game loads, getsome really helpful tips that might help you win the game.•Radar- Get the advantage over your enemies and locate thembefore they can locate you.•Rewards to be unlocked- Watch some prescribed videos to getrewards at every stage of the game.
Cops N Robbers Survival Game C18
Awesome Games Now
Cops N Robbers Survival Game is designed todeliver fun first person shooter action that kicks up the level anotch with timed maps, powerful power-ups and extreme rewards.Confront deadly enemies and tear through vast 3D worlds in aclassic block setting while you collect and wield a variety ofblocky melee and firearm weapons. The stage is set... are yougame?✦Stealthy & Lethal Foes✦13 years ago the world was put on lockdown. Unknown entities haveinvaded. They can take the shape of anything living by killing it.They are very fast and extremely smart. Special agents have been onthe scene, disguised as criminals to uncover information leading totheir capture. After several leads and skilled tracking, the agentshave discovered that these entities have taken the form of cops.Believed to hold power, but not enough to be believed to be targetsfor these beings, they've spent years commanding the bodies ofthese officers, running the city and ruling over the courts. Nowthat this has been discovered, the agents are ready to make theirmove, starting from the inside...✦Extreme FPS Challenges✦Ready to dive right into the action? When you download this classicrunning and shooting game you'll be invited to collect a dailyreward which is yours to keep until you die. These perks up yourgame with such skills and powers as endless sprint, special bullet,double damage and body armor. Sprint through the timed map andblast through a given number of enemies in time and earn evenbetter and more permanent perks! The mission select screen featuressix level, and all are customizable with sensitivity/difficulty andpause/play options. Battle it out under the Big Tent at the world'sfair circus; explore dangerous prison camps and dungeon holds rifewith unknown terrors; and Prowl the city streets in search forenemies.Features:-Wide range of weapons to choose from-Hordes of enemies with high damage and health-Power-ups-Timed death matches-Hide-and-seek levels with maps for surprise attacks
Spectre: Dawn of Block Justice C18
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Spectre: Dawn of Block Justice offers avariety of different missions and lethal enemies. This mostexciting FPS challenge is loaded with non-stop action. Bringing theworld of superheroes to life, this classic pixel world is a 3D gamefull of unique and fun first person shooter challenges.STORYLINEThe bus stop had been there for over a hundred years. When theytore it up to expand the road, they discovered a tunnel so deep,the crew feared exploring it, lest they run out of air. Aspelunking team delves into the furthest reaches, but it takes themdays, and when they arrive, they find a fully furnished lair, litby an unexplained orb of energy. No air tanks, no electricity,gases, or flame. Just this one room.The legend of superheroes has been just that- a legend. Unexplainedrescues and survival from certain deaths have been explained away amyriad of ways. With the discovery of superheroes, the world is ina state of awe. Fans flock the streets, eager to get an autographof these real life masked crusaders. Within time, the heroes arereduced to stage shows, performing magic tricks and signingt-shirts, in such a high demand, that even without their masks andcapes, they are celebrities who are hounded by paparazzi and fans.The streets-now safer than ever- become reasons for furthercelebrations and parades. But as the celebration continues, an evillong dead, crushed to the drudges of the earth decades beforeemerges, the heroes too preoccupied by awards and ceremonies tonotice. With the looming of this dark spectre overpowers the city,and with it, the realization that if superheroes exists, so dosuper-villains.GAME PLAYUnlock and explore six maps and deal damage to enemies. Timedlevels present an exciting mission that will fuel your adrenalinewith cool rewards to collect if successful like permanent weapons,body armor and double damage. Daily rewards are your to collect,but are only yours to use until you die. Check in each day andclaim such cool perks as endless sprint, special bullets and doubledamage. Customizable controls allow you to play how you want, withdifficulty settings based off of your skill. Easy to play, butdifficult to master, work your way up to elite fighter status andbe the ultimate superhero!Levels:- City under Chaos- Devastated battlefield- Spectre LabGame Features:-Wield Unique Melee & Firearm Weapons-Hand-to-Hand Combat-Game Play Tips-Easy-to-Use Touch Pad Controls-Map Overview-Precision Shooting-Power-Ups-Settings Control Screen
Block Survival War Games C10.2.2
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Block Survival War Games is an increasinglydifficult survival challenge with rich 3D graphics set againstclassic pixel worlds. Strike fast and kill enemies as you fight tothe extreme to dominate a failing galaxy and claim your heritage.This immersive FPS game will keep you on your toes as you navigateintense worlds, collect weapons and fight a fast-paced campaignagainst the clock!***A Battle of Galactic Proportions***The first successful hybrids had escaped from the libratory.Through the cloud of smoke, it became obvious that the wall hadfallen during their escape-- or more accurately, been torn downbodily. The thought was terrifying given the wall was one built towithstand the ravaging storm the galaxy sustained at its "eye." Itwas a desert rife with uninhabitable terrain, which made it theperfect place to perform the experiments. Except that now thesubjects were quickly approaching civilization. With shrewd eyes, ablack soul and a dedication to his mission, we sent our most eliteagent after the subjects. We knew they would not comply and we hadthe results we needed. This was an assassin mission.***Stop the Destruction of Your Galaxy***Vast survival maps challenge you to take on such feats as timeslevels, unstoppable foes with increasing intelligent and power,discover hidden perks and collect ultimate weapons. Daily check-insreap awesome rewards with perks like body armor and endless sprint,while succeeding at timed levels earn even more permanent prizes.Battle enemies by utilizing your touch screen controls to take thekilling shot and target foes. Set your controls, unlock levels andmaster the maps! You are the hero of this bleak landscape!
School of the Dead Mine Game C18
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Get ready to kill the dead once and for all!Use your awesome shootout skills to win at this intensity packedFPS game.Get ready for a head on encounter with dead mobs like never before.They are stronger than ever, dead they may be but dumb they arenot.This game is full of adrenaline pumped actions that leave youclinging to the edges of your seat at every turn and level. Thedead are rallied against you in formidable numbers to ensure thatyou don’t live to see the next level. They are strong andintelligent, in order to defeat which you will have to beconcentrated, smart, swift and armed with a lethal aim. School ofthe Dead is definitely not for the faint of heart.Right from the beginning you are given numerous tips and tricksthat can be used to your advantage to survive. And to aid in yourfight against the dead you are provided with numerous weapons tochoose from like bow and arrow, sword, Katana, knife, melee, AK47and many more that are at our disposal. But the question is whetheryou have what it takes to beat the timer in the game and emerge achampion?Features Of The Game-Tougher Enemies- The dead in the game are highly damage resistantwith super intelligence. Not your average brainless undead.Game Timer- This game happens to have a pre-set timer that pushesgamers to their limits.FPS Action- This super intensive game demands high precisionshooting skills that are sole determinants of your survival.Power-Ups- Get an edge over the dead by performing certain taskssuch as watching videos and get amazing power-up options.Smooth User Interface- That helps improve the whole gamerexperience by using an intuitive user interface.Survival Tips- Get awesome insight into gaming tips and tricks ayour game loads on the screen.
Cube Strike - Elite War Games C10.2.2
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Experience the thrill of being the onlyfaceless anonymous person, making you practically untraceable. Withno ID, no pictures, no papers, you are sent on a mission that willchange the face of the earth. With latest weapons at your disposal,find your way to the depth of a great mystery, and come back aliveif you can.Story starts with a deadly gang taken control of an island.Citizens are living under constant fear of the ruthless gangs. Youwill be facing scores of enemy gangs with limited supplies. Therewill be limited time and you will be required to make every secondcount.Make the resources count. Perform well in the level, and you willbe rewarded with heavy weapons. Make these weapons count. If youfail to perform well, things will get a lot harder for you. If youfail to get the power weapons and you are fighting for your life,you can watch a video to get some extra bonus in lives andweapons.There is a variety of weapons to assist you in your quest. Thereare medium range assault weapons and then there are weapons you canuse in hand to hand combat. Be ready to face a tougher challengeevery level as the number of enemies will increase everylevelFeatures: First person shoot Power ups after every level Medium range automatic weapons Melee weapons Integrated maps
Cube Strike: Global Warfare C18
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If you like war, FPS or running and shootingaction games, Cube Strike: Global Warfare is a fast paced and funsurvival game for the ages.***A Global Threat***Scientists have worked out a way to open wormholes to differentlocations in time and universe. After several successful smallscale experiments, the government pressures a larger scaleexamination of the "other side" to extract specimen from a tribe ofancient warriors known for their brutal tactics and fearlessness.They hope to clone this paragon of battle for uses in overseabattles. Upon opening the wormhole, a glitch in the system anunrepeatable hole ripped at the galaxy, glaring and spilling fourththe seeds of ancient and alien races onto the globe...***Fight Against Deadly Waves Of Enemies***Your mission is one of crucial sensitivity! As the world isengulfed in a heated war between past, present and future, you muststrike out and defend your nation against total annihilation. Youmust survive three challenging and deadly levels with vast combatarenas offering a selection of perks and weapons. The maps are fullof challenges for the elite player, with timed levels, power-upsand hide and seek assaults. Each map increases in difficulty, sostock up on the necessities and brace yourself for all outwar.CHOOSE YOUR WEAPONS...*Unlock powerful artillery*Collect ammo and HP*Simple touch-screen controls for weapons select or hand-to-handfighting*Wield: AK47, MP5, Shotgun, M4, Light Saber, M1911, KatanaNAVIGATE ENEMY TERRITORY:*Survival combat*Game tips between levels*Overcome timed warfare*Utilize your entity map*Three unique and treacherous landscapes
Most Wanted Craft Attack C18
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Ancient forces are on the rise. And all thatstands between them and the human race is you. A FPS game like youhave never experienced before!The past has become to destroy the present! The contamination hasfailed and The Ancient One is back. And it’s up to you to stop himfrom annihilating the human kind in this action-packed FPS game.Defeat the evil power to become the survivor of the human race inthis hit FPS game!The thing you most dreaded had finally happened. The Ancient One’scontamination as failed and he’s out seeking vengeance on the humanrace. The Ancient One has taken apart the high security prisons,setting free the evil forces that will shroud the Earth in darknessand destroy the human race. Unless you can stop it.Do you have what it takes to survive in this explosive world?Download this game right now to face a range of challenges andmissions like you have never seen before. And to aid you in yourmission against the numerous enemies, choose a weapon from a wholenew collection of modern weaponry.Features:•Timers- The game has a pre-set timer. To win the game you mustbeat the timer. And to do that you need to think quick and actquicker.•Power-Ups- One of the most interesting features in this game isthat you can get awesome power-ups by watching videos.•Radar- An amazing entity map with aerial view that gives you abigger hand by showing your approaching enemy.•Loading Screen Tips- Get the inside know how’s and do’s while yourgame loads. Watch out for useful tips that might end up saving yourlife.•Choice of Weapons-Get your pick of the litter with modern weaponsto choose from or decide to fight one-on-one with just yourhands.
Block Soldier War Games C18
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Block Soldier War Games is a great war fungame in classic 3D pixel graphics with modern touch screencontrols. Collect cool blocky weapons and necessarypower-ups.EXPERIENCE FUN ACTION SHOOTING ADVENTURESA machine has been created that detects potential future murderers.Those who were tested positive as a potential murderer are sent toa deserted island to fend for themselves. You are one of thosepeople. As the population of these criminals continues to grow, thegovernment plans a massive war between two selected tribes. To thevictor goes the spoils, and the winning side will be reintroducedinto society for a second chance at freedom. You know thegovernment hopes that the war will become so brutal that thepopulace will decrease to minute numbers without the law everyhaving to worry about their own defenses going in to take care ofthe problem. You don't care. You are enthusiastic to take them upon their challenge...TERRORIZE THE BATTLEFIELDExciting first person shooting action awaits you! Collect yourdaily reward by viewing a brief video clip, and the earned power-upis yours to use until you die. The level starts out with anexciting challenge with the clock counting down your demise orsuccess. Your mission instructions at the start of the map includesthe total number of enemies to defeat and the time you have tocomplete this task. Triumph, and you'll gain a permanent weapon towield throughout the rest of the game, fail and you may continuebut at a distinct disadvantage-- or try again to be the champion! Amap overview scopes out oncoming enemies so you can strategize yourplan of attack and go for the kill. Watch for enemies to steadilyincrease in health and attack as you move throughout the levels.Perks and weapons will decrease at the same time, making for abattlefield that only savvy solders will be able to dominate.Features of Game:- Earn rewards-Complete missions in three diverse landscapes-Helpful tips for optimum game experience-Enjoy war stimulator combat action-Cool pixel animations
American Block Sniper Hero C17.4
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American Block Sniper Hero is the superstar ofyesteryears who waged a battle against the scum of the society tokeep you free from dread. The hero who had attained cult status forhis intrepidness is now retired. The terrorists who had suffered athis hands are now strategizing to have him eliminated to avengethemselves of the losses incurred in the war.This blockbuster game will sweep the earth from under your feet.The intense drama characterized by gory action, testing of theresilience of wits, calculative steps and extravaganza of adrenalinrushing moves will leave you glued to the battlefield.You can save the sniper from sure defeat by developing properstrategies to combat the Mephistophelean plans of the enemies. Atyour disposal is an array of deadliest weapons which whenmaneuvered mindfully would bring certain win. Any wrong move orsloppy action will cause danger to loom on the sniper’s lives.Treacherous terrains, gory battlefield, grim expectations andoverall intensity of the game are so gripping that you won’trecognize how fast time is flying away.The lethal weapons coupled with brutal shooting have set you out ona deadly mission where your life is at stake. You are fighting as aproxy for the sniper. Though retired, you can’t afford the luxuryof hanging your boots and going into your retreat. You have toendure the rampage and come out victorious. Your past reputation isat stake. You have to vault over the obstacles and emergevictorious. You have a great challenge at your disposal and youcan’t afford to shy away from it.Cool features• Extravagant graphics and scintillating music• Modern combative weapons that fires at your command• Intuitive battlefield and lots of drama• Invincible enemies and ultimate obstacles• Adrenalin rushing scenes• Extensive array of lethal weapons
Haunted Block Mansion FPS Mod C17.3
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Think you have played every game there is?Have you hunted and haunted at the same time? I think not. Getready for the ultimate FPS gaming journey ever. Supernatural andfull of action, this game will have you hooked forever more. Areyou game?Should have read the damn contract. Should have known that bysigning as a mediator between the living and the dead, I was goingto be used as a Defender of Peace. Rather than the peaceful talknegotiations I had previously envisioned.I should have read the contact, understood that in order to fulfillthe bargain I would have to travel between realms and become anundead to fight the undead.The deal has been struck. And you find yourself in a realm youdon’t belong. In order to get back home, the only way is to fulfillyour end of the bargain. Easier said than done. Stuck in a realminfested with supernatural creatures that prowl the surface, youjust might never go home again.You will need to send these supernatural entities back to wherethey belong and that’s a tough job because they have no plans ofleaving. Ever.Features:•Entity Map- Get an upper hand over your supernatural opponents byspotting them before they can even see you.•Visual Graphics- The pixel graphics are like you have never seenbefore. A gaming experience like never experienced.•Reward Tasks- Low on ammo? Watch a video and earn points to getmore ammo!•Countdown Timer- Time is not your friend. Ever task has you racingagainst the clock to fulfill your mission.•Load Screen Tutorials- Get a quick rundown of all the tips andtricks of the tricks you can use to win this game.
Block Wars Soldier Survival C10.2.2
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Experience an entertaining and stunninginteraction with the technology of the future. Find out who isbehind the assassination attempt on your life. Kill ruthlessly tocapture the one responsible for all your pain. Go through levelsand get the weapon of your desire to kill.Experience an entertaining and stunning interaction with thetechnology of the future. Find out who is behind the assassinationattempt on your life. Kill ruthlessly to capture the oneresponsible for all your pain. Go through levels and get the weaponof your desire to kill.Take a trip to the future. Imagine being a teenager in 2036. Beinga teen is exactly the same even in 2036. The parents won’t allowyou to get a digital implant, but you get it anyway from the blackmarket. It doesn’t turn out to be what you imagined. Getting theimplant this way unleashed a series of events that leads you tolive your greatest nightmare.As the story unfolds, you find out that every move you make isbeing watched. The more you try to run, the more you get strangledin your own web. Evading the followers, you catch one, only to beshocked even more. The people who are trying to kill you, areactually working for a person you once called your friend.Equip yourself with the best fighting gear. Win a level, and get asuper weapon to fight off your enemies. Use a variety of combatgear, offensive and defensive maneuvers. Shoot to kill from adistance or get your hands dirty in a hand to hand brawl.
School of Dead - Craft Attack C16.6
Awesome Games Now
Imagine a situation where you were stuckinschool surrounded by brain eating zombies, what would you do?Wellthis game will give you some practice in case it ever happens,youcan never be too careful after all. Use your mad skills tofightthrough extensive maps with different battle scenes. Each maphasits own 3D pixel battlefield so you can expectamazinggraphics.How it BeginsSo it’s just another day at school but something is not righttoday.Today he discovers what this school really is. It is a topsecretgovernment facility that is used for turning clueless youthinto azombie army for the government. All his friends are nowmindlesszombies who want to turn him into one.Luckily for him, he had always been suspicious and he did nottakethe regular doze of brain fodder that contains the mutagenthatturned his friends into zombies. The good news is that zombiesaremindless and he easily creates a distraction and accessestheweapon room.” Say hello to my little friend.” There is no adulttohelp and he has to battle his way out of thiswretchedschool.How it may EndThe question is, Will you survive? Will you be able to shoot tokillyour once loving friends and remain human? In the actionpackedcombat experience, the zombies are definitely not yourfriends. Theperson to blame for all this is none other but thePrincipal. He hasbeen secretly turning your friends into zombiesfor a world war. Asyou move through the school, the corners may befull of zombies andeach step may be your last. Will yousurvive?The GameThe game allows you to move through different stages, witheachstage harder than the previous. You must complete timechallengesand kill a specific number of enemies in a set time. Ifyou aresuccessful you will earn a super permanent weapon. Collectdailyrewards that give you a chance of escaping through the largepixelworlds.The easy to use touch screen controls make it quite simpletocontrol your character as you jump, run, aim and fire yourweapon.You are able to see the zombies because of the map thatoffersaerial view. You even have sniper rifles to take out thosezombiesfrom far. If your health is running low, view a short add,toreceive the strength to continue fighting. May the besthumanwin.Game Features:Weapon PickupHealth and Ammo PacksDaily RewardsMelee attacksGame timers
Block Battlefield War Heroes C17.2.2
Awesome Games Now
The world has gone silent inbreathlessanticipation and fear. A depression looms over theworld,terrifying those who survive with starvation andhomelessness.Millions of lives have been lost, and more areimminent. The worldneeds a hero, but not just any hero. The worldneeds a hero whowill brave any battle, cross enemy lines and crushevery terroristwho threatens to push the death toll to newheights.After aerial raids have peppered the northern border, anewunexpected threat has arisen in the form of an unexplainedaircraftthat has been spotted in the sky. As a closer inspection ismade,the hatches are opened and an endless number of terroristsspillfrom the sky, descending to earth. Play as an expert sniperandcampaign against these mercenaries. Your mission will not beaneasy one, but one you cannot afford to fail. Fight foryourcountry. Die for your country.***AGGRESSIVE COMBAT***Take a stand. Equip your weapons and head into battle. The fightofa lifetime awaits you inBlock Battlefield War Heroes. Launchthegame and be offered the opportunity to gain an edge overyouropponents. This advantage comes to you in the form of a briefvideoad that you can watch to earn a mega power up. On the newmap-stylemenu screen, launch your level and prepare yourself for araceagainst the clock. You will be given a number of total enemiestoannihilate. You must fight your way through the level. If youneedextra ammo, watch more video clips and earn a supply.Features:Blocky weapon pickupsTimersPower-upsIntelligent enemiesIntuitive, user-friendly interfaceLoading tips screenFPS combat3D pixel graphics